Our vision is that you will have built your own plan, simply and for free, and are determining for yourself

if or when you may need additional guidance for meeting further objectives.

Our job is to help pull back the curtain on how this works so that you, as your own personal Chief Financial Officer,

can trust the outcome – because you have self-directed it.

Our Purpose

Most Americans don’t have a financial plan

(because they find it scary and difficult.)

  1. Of those who have taken the steps to create one, most have not kept it updated with changes in life, the economy, and society.
  2. Thus, most people do not know if they are “on track” to not run out of money before they die.
  3. Uncovering the truth about this is the main reason a financial plan feels scary.
  4. The idea that making a financial plan is difficult is a lie.
  5. Believing such a thing is an understandable but deceptive illusion.
  6. And – many will be harmed by it. They will wait too late to start.

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