We are blessed in the U.S. with great medical professionals and facilities. Our insurance programs make expensive life-saving care available to multitudes. We have a coordinated system of services involving medical practitioners, pharmacies, medical equipment, laboratories, research organizations, charitable foundations, and many different types of centers for care.

If you knew that full-body, whole-person health and wellness were very often preceded and accompanied by appropriate prevention and supplementation based on new discoveries, the work of nutritionists, and the personal experiences of people who were helped, even healed, by therapies and treatments not found in our traditional medical system, would you consider applying these beneficial treatments to your life?

That is what this part of Life Financial Solutions is all about. If only we could believe and trust everything we see, hear, and read about. What about all the hundreds, even thousands, of claims made by so many ads and products and videos found in popular media? Well, we are not trying to solve that larger problem here.

This collection of information is presented for your exploration and consideration only, for you to draw your own conclusions. If you select and purchase something here, we may receive a commission. But this is not a promotional or sales site. The products and suggestions offered here are only those which have been brought to our attention. Our goal is to aggregate and help make them available to you!

The Big Picture

More information:

Explore life & health resources

Healthy living technologies (and income opportunity)

Novel supplements (Life & Health Resources)

Lifestyle adaptation


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Ultimately, we want to help you to become your own Chief Financial Officer.

Your life and health affect your wealth.

A financial advisor is not a financial “adviser” is not a “financial advisor”

There is a whole body of knowledge accompanying the practice of financial services, including the tremendous amount any person who advises others must know. The landscape of financial practice is much broader than most would-be clients may realize. Within the practice are many specialties.

The usual
The most common pictures for most people, when they think of “investing,” or saving money for retirement, are special accounts such as a 401(k), 403(b), or 457(b), or an IRA, or stocks and bonds. The easiest thing each of these has in common is the well-known ups and downs of the markets and their indicators, like the Dow Jones Industrials or the S&P 500. Consequently, when most people think of saving for retirement, they first consider the special accounts offered by employers or perhaps having their own financial advisor.

Other resources
While those forms of investment are indeed geared for long-term growth and should be utilized for that purpose by those who wish to benefit from them, there are also a host of other financial tools and resources that are often overlooked.

Insurance to protect wealth
The world of financial services also includes the financial protections of insurance, in particular, life insurance. We easily understand and use home, auto, and health insurance for their intended purposes. When it comes to life insurance, we often do not think of it with the same level of immediate importance. If something happens to our property or car, or when we utilize the services of our medical professionals, we readily turn to whatever insurance covers these concerns. But life insurance may feel more far away or out of reach because it is often regarded as only related to death. In fact, life insurance could be said to be misnamed, like maybe it should be called death insurance. But when you understand just how much, during life, a person could have important access to the benefits of life insurance, you could likely agree that it is very appropriately named.

And so much more…
Additionally, what might you know about why people invest in, buy and hold, sell, or otherwise speculate in assets such as precious metals (like gold and silver), cryptocurrencies, foreign exchange, real estate, private debt & equity, and other alternative strategies?

You might understand, then, that just as there are numerous and varied places where people, hoping for a satisfactory result, can put money, there are also numerous and varied types of advice to be sought from those who specialize in certain financial resources yet not others.

What’s right for you?

On the Home page it says, “Even if all the flavors of the financial pie aren’t right for your plate, shouldn’t you be able to see the whole menu?” Maybe you’re one of those people who says, “Yes, what else is there, and might that be right for me?” We can help you, whether you’re that person or not. If you want to learn more about what you might do with your money or if you simply want to consider how to take better advantage of the financial resources you and most people do know about, we can counsel you. If making certain changes would demonstrate that your potential outcomes can be better aligned with your goals, we can help guide you.