People are living longer but their money gets shorter. AARP reported that the #1 retirement concern of almost half of Americans is running out of money.

Even worldwide, the financial impact of declining health is the number one concern, and running out of money in later years of life is second.

Financial surprises are unpleasant for anyone (unless it's money coming TO you, right?!). Who wants an emergency or an illness or running out of time to

save to ruin an otherwise manageable standard of living? How about the costs of living growing higher and higher over time?

Do you realize that if you have a long retirement (e.g., 20 to 30 years or more), prices for ordinary goods and services will reach a level that is 48% to 180% over what you will have paid at the beginning

of retirement? (These are calculated at a nominal inflation rate of 2% annually; if inflation averaged 3% annually, the levels are 80% to 240%!)

About YOU!

When it comes to multiplying your money by leveraging growth over time, time is your friend when you have plenty of it. Have you ever believed that you had plenty of time? You may have been right but what if you weren't? What if time is not your friend now because it has run out on your opportunity to save?

People get help planning their financial future because they have more questions than answers. And these are the kinds of thoughts that usually cause people to seek help.


What do you know about a financial planner? Do you realize it is okay to have more than one? How many doctors do you have? Have you ever seen a specialist? Did you know that the vast majority of financial planners will only recommend to you what they get paid commissions on?

There is a fairly good chance that, all things considered, even if a financial product, strategy, or practice is exactly the right thing for you, you may never know it or even hear about it. How can you be sure that your collection of funds (your portfolio) has enough variety that everything doesn't move in the same direction when the markets decline?

This web site is a step in the direction of removing the cloud of mystery surrounding what you should be doing. What do the rich know that you do not? Do you know whether you have access to some of the same tools and methods they use?

Tap here to listen to the content in this section

Is time your friend?

This web site is all about you!

What has brought you here? (We're glad you're here!)

What is financial protection anyway?

And what about Social Security -- is it enough to live on? Will it be there for you when you need it?


You can start now!

Step 1:


Tapping below (on the logo) will guide you to a free tool that provides you with a robust financial picture, complete with charts of progress over time. And it gives us a starting point for understanding your unique circumstances.

We will then contact you and review your information with you, ask a lot of questions, answer as many as we can, and make recommendations that will make a difference for you.


As you explore other parts of the web site, be thinking about how your health can affect your finances (and vice-versa). Make it a goal to afford for yourself the life you've dreamed of. Take advantage of available resources and opportunities. Learn all you can about what helps and what works.

And now that you've started, keep moving!

Welcome to Life Financial Solutions!


But we also make recommen-dations and give you access to information about what you might do differently, ways to optimize your outcomes and manage risk, and what you can reasonably expect financially at every age of later life.

Then we build a financial model with the current picture being the starting point and what that trajectory might look like over time. There's some math involved with applying time and growth factors, and we give you a realistic picture of how things could look if you just keep doing what you're doing.

We start with building a financial profile that captures pertinent information about your money -- how much you have, how much you make, how much you need, where it all is, what your needs are, what your dreams are, how much time you have, and what and who are important to you.