Taking the Solution to the Pollution

There are many and various air purifiers and technologies for consumers to choose from today. You will find the prevailing idea to be that room air must pass through a filter to strip it of harmful airborne contaminants, including such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, smoke, and odors.

The most scholarly experts will agree that the best types of filters produce the best results. Operational capacity and efficiency are stated in terms like cubic feet per hour or how many complete air changes occur per hour (which is based on the square footage and ceiling height of the room or space). These numbers are based on air flow through a filter, installed in a machine that draws uncleaned air in, removes contaminants, then blows cleaned air back out.

But what if there were technologies that, instead of blowing clean air back out, blew powerful and effective, electrified, oxygenated particles out of a machine, which then made their way to all the air in the space in a matter of just a few minutes, neutralizing every contaminant they encountered, and that, instead of doing its cleaning on the surface and in the mesh of a filter, not only cleaned but completely purified the air? That would mean the air did not have to pass through a filter located somewhere in the room. The air would be cleaned by simply being in the room.

There indeed is technology, in differently-sized versions of completely portable machines, and that technology is affordable to retail customers!

Indoor Air Purification
  • Portable and extremely effective, quiet machines that treat the air and surfaces in your home 24/7 with Hall of Fame Certified Space Technology
  • Award-winning ActivePure Technology safely eliminates nearly 100% of airborne and surface bacteria, viruses, mold, fungi, and VOCs (volatile organic compounds)
  • It has been reported that up to 80% of U.S. homes have large dust mite infestations, which may not be surprising considering as many as 40,000 dust mites can live in a single ounce of dust. These pests are second only to pollen in causing allergic reactions, mostly from airborne dust mite feces, ranging from itchy noses and eyes to severe asthma attacks.
  • According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air levels of many pollutants may be 2-5 times, and sometimes, more than 100 times higher than outdoor levels. Without some method of control, airborne contaminants can be breathed in or eventually settle on exposed surfaces.
  • Contamination on surfaces isn’t limited to visible dust - there are numerous other types of contaminants that generally get spread where people live. Whether from sneezing and coughing or just everyday handling, door knobs, counter tops, and almost any exposed surface can become a potential staging ground for contamination.

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